Making Your Ancestor Altar

Making Your Ancestor Altar

Maybe you spent a quiet day of reflection, or maybe you choked down greasy food while your uncle ranted in his MAGA hat. Even when our living and known ancestors aren't people we easily love, ancestors are the best source of spiritual connection.

An ancestor altar can be large or small, in an out-of-the-way corner or in a prominent spot. Someone with roommates or privacy concerns could have something as simple as a picture of a departed loved one with a candle.

There are no rules, except not to mingle things of the living on the ancestor altar, less the ones who have passed on call to the living and bring them over too soon.

My altar recently grew, partly with the addition of some great art. Spending money and having artwork isn't needed--an altar can be simpler or even feature your own artwork. Besides the work I bought from an artist--and supporting artists and rootworkers is important to me--most items on the altar are things I already had.

This lovely shoe artwork is the center of my altar. It represents justice and diversity, and was made by the wonderful Auntie Sindy at Todomojo, who offers lots of reliquaries, artwork, and readings. The mirror with shells around it  was made by my Grandpa and is positioned to help show off the back of the shoe. All animal products were humanely gathered from naturally-deceased animals. 

The back of the shoe has vertebrae (again, humanely collected). It reminds me of my need to work on my root chakra and remain mindful of the needs of my spine, a particular challenge through my life. The scarf belonged to my grandma. 

Both sides of the shoe are gorgeous. My deceased protector/familiar dog watches over from behind.

The front of the shoe pushes forward, the dollies representing diversity. My husband's family is more highlighted on one side of the altar (mine on the other--but they are not strictly segregated), and we use battery-operated candles for a 24-hour burning without fire worries when we are gone or asleep. 

Our altar is the top of an entertainment center. The dolly to the right is made of my Grandma's old scarves. The tin cup belonged to my grandparents and sat by their sink; I use it for liquid offerings. We honor human family, but also our deceased animal companions and musicians (such as the print of John Lennon's Little Flower Princess lyrics). 

Five Tips for Honoring Ancestors on Thanksgiving Day

For many of us, Thanksgiving brings up painful memories--family hurts, alienation, and angst add to the macabre spectacle of murdering millions of sentient beings to simply have everyone pronounce their corpses "too dry." Oh, and add the misrepresentation and misplaced nostalgia around indigenous Americans, and it's enough to make you flip your construction paper feather headdress.

Working with ancestors is an opportunity to go deeper around holidays than family as we know them in this realm. (Talk about an "otherworldly religion"--nothing makes one long for another realm than a few minutes with one's family in this one!)

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Ancestors got the groove . . . might as well join them!

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving, or just waiting for an end to genocide and cultural appropriation, your ancestors can join you. Here are a few tips:

1.  Ancestors (blood and ideological) can share concerns of all kinds. Remember to call in known and unknown ancestors who share in your vision of Thanksgiving.

2.  Take advantage of having living ancestors gathered in one place. If you can get past Uncle Chester's MAGA hat, you may find someone who remembers your great grandparents and is a trove of stories.

3.  Make offerings. Ancestors love a little something on their altar, and now is a good time to get a piece of the beloved family pumpkin pie or other specialty. Ancestors only need a small amount (and remember to leave it outside for animals or in a compost area when done). I recently snuck a small amount of a treasured family recipe out of a gathering. The dish is so popular it is hard to feed just the living attendees, and my family is not ready to hear about my ancestor altar. So, I insisted on taking a teaspoon-full size taste home to my "dog." (There are pictures of my departed dog on my altar, and my living guy enjoyed the serving after a couple of days--no need to lie!)

4.  Celebrate alone! Small families (even of one) don't preclude celebration. Our ancestors are always with us--even when we feel alienated from family or when we don't choose to participate in the prevailing celebrations.

5.  Travel. Living relatives may remember the location of homeplaces, burial sites, and the like--and you can map your way to those places over Thanksgiving or later in the year. Don't forget ancestors who may not be related by blood--a historical site or nature area can be a great way to pass the day if you don't celebrate with a living family (or cut out early for sanity!).

There is growing recognition of the need to forge new traditions that are more inclusive, less reliant on historical inaccuracy and cultural appropriation, and celebratory of non-blood ties. Remember ancestors can be an important part of moving forward into a more just and sustainable world while honoring those who got us this far.

Calling Spirits Back In

I messed up.

I have a few good reasons. First, when it comes to magik, I'm largely self-taught. My Grandpa could heal and put life back in things--and there's nothing that is going to set someone up for trying to learn like seeing a beloved kitten brought back to life after an accident. But, we didn't discuss things openly--Grandpa walked strict lines between his church (back before Christianity got to be associated with hate and beating up gay people after service) and taking care of the people and animals that were brought to him. I learned what I could until my Grandpa died when I was 15, and then I returned as I could as I felt his call over the years. Next, I did not initially focus on conjuring or working with spirits. A lot of what I have done is spell work of the set-an-intention variety. Finally, I move instinctively--not always planning spells and rituals as carefully as I should and will try to do in the future. Although I joked, "I didn't know to do it because Piper didn't do that," referring, tongue in cheek, to Charmed, a lot of my work is a combination of what I feel called to do and cultural impressions that I absorbed from any number of sources.

When I began actively practicing a few years ago, I was on my own (in this realm) other than all the good reading materials out there. I cast my first spell, had great success, and carried on. I replicated what works, and had some great, otherwise inexplicable successes--court cases would just turn around. I would go from being told I could be a good little girl and keep my license and avoid sanctions if I dismissed the case to entertaining offers of settlement that climbed upward.

Within my success, however, was a maelstrom of confusion. Some cases dear to me fell apart inexplicably. Wins came with strings attached--winning one aspect of the case, but being chastised in another.

While in a class this past week, I heard a reference to calling spirits back in after sending them out. I listened carefully, being sure I understood what I just heard.

I had not called any spirits back in after a single spell. My approach was: "Hey, you all just go work on X. Thanks! Stay sweet!"


I learned that spirits sent out will stick around, creating chaos and confusion. Chaos and confusion--my life for the past couple of years--the chaos made all the more confusing against the successes.

I went for a reading and cleansing. Right after, the chaos erupted big time--the body of the snake twitching after the head was cut off--in one matter. However, I finished up the classes and returned safely home, made another trip, got rested up, and woke this morning--after a week out of my office--to NO combative email messages or other bad news.

While I post samples of what has worked for me here, this blog is (fortunately) not an instruction manual, and I do not do work on a paid basis for others. Many spells would not be affected; I do not activate spirits for every spell.

However, conjuring is effective. I sent out some spirits (with great success) before learning much about it. I missed the important wrap-up: calling them back in when work is complete. In fact, instructions have to be very precise.

I will be posting more on conjuring, honoring ancestors, and experiencing the support of spirit in daily life and the legal world. However, before jumping in and calling in confusion, I suggest reading and consulting with experts--several links follow (some are affiliate links designed to make me rich).

Heading Off: Fok Magic Festival

I am heading off this weekend to New Orleans for the Folk Magic Festival.

Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

I am not one to easily jump on my broom and fly away. I do not like spending money in advance and placing control of my experience in the the hands of hotels. I do not like paying for airline tickets that seem to carry only one guarantee: delays and substandard treatment. In fact, this time I am setting off on a 13-hour drive--any delays will be my own.

Planning this trip has brought one thing to the fore: from the time I made my reservation, I had to fight to keep the time open on my calendar. A judge set a date, for hearing on a frivolous motion, for that week--I had to work to get it moved. Countless lawyers who had let court dates. filings, and depositions slide for a year or more chose that week to suddenly notice events. I fought, fiercely, each time to save the time I had reserved. Through next week, there are lawyers on "stand-by" to help in case someone notices up some silly motion, thinking my inability to go will result in my client's case being dismissed. I carefully turned down new cases and set limits. Read: I sacrificed money to be sure I did not make a commitment I could not keep.

In contrast, I had another friend go on a three-week trip that overlaps with mine. This week, during his first week, I have gotten countless email messages about his cases. Each time, I have responded with a firm reminder about my own schedule. While my friend has only been messaging me to keep me informed, his style of vacationing is in sharp contrast to mine.

More importantly, the bad behavior exhibited by my opposing counsel has shown me something: law is not a profession for anyone with any self respect. In what world can another party throw a wrench in plans by filing a motion, necessitating an appearance at a court date about which one is not consulted in advance--on pain of one's client losing everything and incurring malpractice liability? In what world can a low-vibration person with no spiritual evolution whatsoever designate (and issue binding subpoenas for) depositions at purposefully inconvenient places and times? The list could go on, but the point is clear: law is replete with behavior that must be tolerated despite rank inappropriateness. It is hard to turn ALL one's opposing counsel into toads.

I am going to use the Festival for reflection and learning, as intended. I hope to come back with a few more tricks for my bag and a greater understanding of a broad range of modalities.

More importantly, I've already learned one thing: while the practice of law can allow one to be a voice for justice, it carries a high price. There simply are not enough people of good faith in the legal profession to make it a realistic was to earn money, serve those in need, and maintain a reasonable lifestyle. The profession is given over to juveniles in over-priced suits who cannot work a calendar and petty tyrants who, with the power to ruin lives, cases, and careers with bad-faith motions and similar litigation tactics, will exercise that power.

This is a calendar. Most lawyers think they are too good to use one!

And I'm done. 

Witch Balls: Holders of intention

Briefs and Brooms usually focuses on justice, and often that means looking at the ugliness that shows us there is a need for justice. It is easy for me to forget that magik can be . . . magical!

Witch balls allow focusing energy and intention. The round globe is continuous and a perfect container for long-term vision. Hanging in a window, the ball shows off beautiful selections of herbs or other materials and emits beautiful scents as the sun's warmth come through . . . a reminder of intentions set yesterday or months ago!

My first three witch balls were made on a whim. I had three globes from a chandelier. A little research refreshed my memory on the use of witch balls. One ended up packed down with herbs for protection, one with general prosperity herbs, and one with fun reminders of a friend who moved away (herbs associated with her ancestral path). They hang in my window today, and are a focal point--spurring discussion about my craft.

Later, I made a witch ball as part of a course. This ball incorporated a piece of money (prosperity), a charm, a written intention, and herbs. The ball was smaller and more portable, of the "Christmas" variety. Today, its lavender scent encourages me as I write and plan.

This weekend, I introduced witch balls to a new crowd--planning to take this modality on the road to a party, I realized it would be attended by children. I packed down a supply of beads, sparkles, and fun supplies for kids. The results were amazing as the kids dug in, eager to exhibit their creativity. I told them to pack the balls with things that made them feel happy--and they did!

One packed her ball to the brim--it was so heavy, I had to design a reinforced holder rather than relying on string:

Larger charms that didn't fit inside the balls were tied to the outside!

True to my heart, several chose purples for their balls--here, two bffs made nearly-matching balls:

Stickers can further embellish the exterior of the balls!

The flurry of hands as the kids worked was amazing; they thought of new ideas and reached for new colors and shapes more quickly than I could replenish supplies!:

Beads, glitter (the big kind, so the parents wouldn't kill me), ribbon, stickers . . . .

Making a witch ball is easy and can be fun and profound. 

On my own, I begin with gathering some of my favorite materials and setting an intention. I then add materials charged with my intention and, if possible, associated with the qualities I seek. Some of my favorite herbs are listed here.

Fun add-ins include essential oils like bergamot for attraction or lavender for cooling out. These can add to the scent and intention of the herbs. Written intentions (in corresponding colored ink or on corresponding papers) can add to focus. I even have one ball that includes a folded piece of money--for prosperity! 

Although making the ball can be meaningful when done alone, it is fun is groups (as the above pictures prove). If you would like to "Witch and Wine"--making witch balls or other crafty tools in a group, contact me via personal message.

For those who are more solitary, here's a partial list of supplies to get you started (wine not included!):

Balls or shapes (try fun shapes or designs!):

Don't forget fun fillers and add-ins!:

Nice scents enhance the balls (be sure to leave the top unsealed or otherwise provide ventilation):
Don't forget pretty ribbon or string to hang the ball!:

From Missing Member to Missing: Penis Spell

I recently posted a spell I used to remove someone's penis after he used sexual threat and innuendo on a repeated basis to intimidate my client.

Of all the spells and work that I do, this one tends to get the most attention. It is serious--one wouldn't use this spell because someone stole a parking space or was late for dinner. In fact, in the case where I used it, the spell was not my technique of first resort. I tried negotiating, reasoning, using the legal process, and simpler, positive-outcome and truth-focused spells first.

The spell was effective, and my client made great gains. The sexual harasser's behavior came to light, even in open court. We won the case!

However, more interesting, the harasser has closed up shop. This attorney, who was going to let me keep my license and not get sanctions only if I was a good girl and dropped the case, is going to be no more.

The power of the spells should not be underestimated. As here, words and works can be used to the greater good!

From the sublime to the delicious, there are many ways to incorporate penis magik into your life!

Image result for rainy day spells public domain

Whomever was doing the rain spell, it worked!

Dark Moon Magick

The dark moon is that time as the old moon has largely waned and the new moon is hardly a sliver.
Since a new moon is beginning, it can be a time to do work for new beginnings--new jobs, new homes, new relationships. However, because of the ending old moon and the relative darkness of the night sky, I like to use the time for clearing out.
This week, I did a simple banishing and hexing spell. I had several lingering enemies, one of which recently--entirely unjustifiably--necessitated my return from a vacation for a hearing that, in the judge's words, wasn't "motion stuff" just "life stuff" that should have been worked out by agreement.
Being a bitch as well as a witch, I already put the wheels in motion for the offending lawyer's young associate, upon whom he depends, to get hired away. By the time the dark moon rolled around, I was ready to seal the deal.
I was ready to seal the deal, but I also was exhausted. This dark moon called for simplicity.
I burned a black Santa Muerte candle, asked for the binding of my enemies, and wrote their names on corresponding paper in colored gel ink (for me, a salmon color that does not appeal to me with nearly-matching ink to represent the way these irritants should fade).
Black candle (I prefer Santa Muerte)

Colored paper (I keep a pad of various colors on hand)
Pen (I like to coordinate the ink and paper color--closely matching to help the target fade away and lose power)

Write the names of the target and what you want to happen on the paper. This can also be an incantation. Mine was as follows: "X fades away like the ink on this paper and his/her actions are for naught. X and his/her intentions are returned to the void from which they came and have no influence on this plane."

It's Coming Out Day!

It's coming out day, and we celebrate our LGBTQ friends and people of all orientations and genders.
In the meantime, is it time to come out of the broom closet with a pretty like this one?

Penis Pendants

BOGO! Buying amulets and other props isn't required, but it can help cement intentions. This penis amulet would be great for sex magic or for the penis removal spell--charge with your intention!

Following links on this page may cause filthy lucre to appear in my pockets.
We made it to Friday! Hope you didn't have to unleash the monkeys too many times this week! Time to accessorize for the weekend . . . and upcoming Halloween! This is a great image and greeting for the witches and bitches in your life:

Penis Detachment Spell

There are a lot of positive ways to use penis symbols in magick. That post is coming. This is not that post.

This post is about a wee little man who couldn't keep his mouth shut and lost his most treasured possession, his dick. It is about a man who was warned, kept abusing people, and lost his dick. This is about a man who didn't have much to start with, and now has even less.

For those who believe hexing and cursing should only be done with good cause, rest easy: this spell was worked upon a lawyer who represented a sexual harasser. I regularly represent victims of harassment, and a common theme is to try to intimidate me personally by saying that I can either dismiss the case like a good little girl or "watch porn in front of the judge and jury."

I am not a good little girl.

Image result for penis woodcut

After multiple warnings in this case, the lawyer would not shut up--persistently engaging in harassment of me and my client that went far beyond advocating for his client. He really, really liked what he imagined to be his sexual power. He would raise the issue of watching porn in front of investigators and judges, delighting when they would shirk and seeming puzzled that I was not intimidated.

In one case, he insisted on watching a particular movie in front of an investigator. She resisted. Finally, she told me and my client to just leave. On my way out, he offered me a copy of his cinematic treasure. I replied I could Google it. He feigned surprise that, "Google has porn?!"

"Don't worry," I replied. "If I can't find it on Google, I'll go to Youporn."

I honestly thought his fat, stupid heart was going to explode.

His aggression did not end with porn. He actively stank. His breath and body exuded an odor that could not have been accidental--like a pile of poop rolled around in week-old vomit and then French kissed an infected pilonidal cyst on Hitler's rotting butt. Knowing his odor made me gag, he would intentionally stand near me and close-talk me. '

Finally, I asked a male lawyer to join my litigation team. After all, my job is to look out for my client, and that can mean keep the spotlight away from me. Asked what he should bring to the first hearing in the case, I replied candidly, "Your penis."

The hearing did not disappoint. Opposing counsel wrapped up the day by handing a drive to me in open court. He announced it was porn.

"Free porn!" I exclaimed, turning to my new male co-counsel. "People pay good money for this!" (He turned red.)

Tired of the abuse and worried for my client, I took action. I decided to deprive the offender of his most treasured possession.

This work could have been done on a full moon, to amplify justice. I did it as the moon waned, to emphasize that I wanted to reduce obnoxiousness, unto depriving this person of his penis.
I used a selection of herbs, which I crushed and applied to a penis candle (warm the candle a tiny bit, and roll in the herbs).

A good list of herbs is here: For this working, I relied a lot on my personal blend (discussed in the link above), Solomon's seal, and galangal. The latter two are more because of the justice aspect of my spell. For an intention like this, I found lots of hot pepper and garlic to be important! In addition, I added Devil's Dung (asafoetida). Many would advocate writing down the name and intention, maybe by inscribing it on the candle or writing it on a piece of paper placed under the candle. These are great suggestions. For this spell, I relied on the roiling anger inside me. On the first night, I cast a circle and lit the candle. I am not a chanter, but I focused my intention on the person and on his penis falling off. I let the first knob of my candle burn down. If using a penis candle, you could do the entire spell in one long night or divide it into parts using pins placed in the candle, or use seven small penis candles!

At the end of each night, I blew out my candle with gratitude. After the spell was complete, I wrapped the ashes and leavings in bio-degradable material (I favor using an old scrap of unbleached paper.) and threw in a swamp area. Did it work? I have not heard of counsel's penis falling off, but he has been chastised. And who wouldn't take a check as a substitute castration? This witch is smiling!