Making Your Ancestor Altar

Showing posts with label bury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bury. Show all posts

Full Moon Money Drawing Container Ritual

I am not much of one for prosperity spells, and I am bad (really, really bad) at following moon phases. However, I recently had a request for a full moon prosperity ritual and decided to put some of my tricks and works into writing.

For prosperity is work with herbs. The other day, I was feeling un-prosperous. I had a money worry because I hadn't been able to work toward a particular financial goal in some time. Nothing was wrong. My bills were being met. However, slow-paying clients and other conditions meant I had not worked toward retiring some debt that concerns me. As I got dressed (in the clothing sense and in the sense of appying oil for the day), I dabbed a little peppermint oil into my hands. I let a couple of drops gather in the lowest dip of each slightly cupped hand, enjoying the warmth and smell and thinking of the sensation of money coming into my hands.

afterglow, art, backlit

Sometimes, things are a little more pressing and formal work is in order. The full moon is a good time to work on things we want to draw toward us and increase, so money is a good area of work.

I like to work with containers. One of my favorites is to put a bill or financial goal (a utility bill or a written out statement such as, "Receiving $5,000") and seed it with money.

To do such a seeding spell:

1) Green candles

2) Money (paper and coins)

3) Peppermint (basil also works) 

4) A can or jar (simple, reused can or elaborate sentimental box--heck, make a macaroni art project for added mojo)

5) A hot pepper or some yew to accelerate the spell

6) The bill you are worried about or a positive intention for your prosperity written out--green paper or ink or colors that represent prosperity to you are great

First, I clean my work area or even finish up some lingering tasks. My blocks of in-flow are almost always associated with blocking out-flow on my end. I may be fretting about getting paid, but my work area may be in disarray, a project left mostly done (I simply haven't hit "send" to finish it), or I may not even have sent out my invoices and asked for money! Clearing up these items is a big help. 

Getting comfy, inside or outside, I meditate. I work near the area where I remember my ancestors. I am not one for calling in the corners, but I like to spray a little sage-scented oil around my area and connect with spirits/ancestors.

Light five green candles, one in each directions and one in the middle. Connecting with spirit, be thankful for what you have. In bad times, this might be as simple as recognizing your pinky toe does a great job of helping you balance. Do your best to recognize what you have because you are asking the spirits to add to this.

Take a few minutes to hold your bill and money near your heart or to write out your intention. Place your bill or written-out intention in your container. With your bill, do any folding away from you. If you have written out a positive intention ("I have $5000 extra"), roll or fold that toward you if needed for it to fit. Do not place a bill near/over the flames unless you have decided you just want to symbolically burn it up! For a positive written intention, hold it just over the flame to warm it and activate it as you feel the power rising in it. Place your bill/intention in the container. Place your money in the container. First roll or fold any bill toward you (as needed to fit). Include a few coins. 

Hold your basil or peppermint. Feel the power rising up in it, and acknowledge the prosperity it represents. Place most of it in your container, holding a bit out to carry with you. Add any accelerating herbs (hot pepper or yew), knowing you are drawing in magick that works quickly and efficiently. Pick your container up. Shake it or strike it a few times, thanking spirit and your ancestors for paying the bill, drawing the money in, etc. Let your candles burn down or respectfully extinguish them after letting them burn as long as you safely can.

Throughout the week (or as long as it takes), work your container by shaking it, thanking spirit/ancestors, etc. Carry some herbs with you as you go about your day. Annoint yourself with peppermint oil each day. Bury your spent herbs and workings near your door. Consider throwing a little bit of your herbs and some change into the crossroads for added power. If feasible, consider cleansing your container to make it suitable for future work. Consider planting a plant like basil or peppermint during this time if possible. Enjoy and share the results!

Here's a chant/prayer if you like that sort of thing:

"I am part of and made from a universe of infinite stardust
"This universe is abundant
"Therefore, I am abundant
"I am thankful that I am abundant and money flows toward me
"I release this prayer, knowing _________________ ($5000 is mine, the bill is paid, etc.)"

Penis Pendants

BOGO! Buying amulets and other props isn't required, but it can help cement intentions. This penis amulet would be great for sex magic or for the penis removal spell--charge with your intention!

Following links on this page may cause filthy lucre to appear in my pockets.

Someone was Very, Very Bad

There's no need to mess around when enemies mess around with you. They asked for it, you gave it.

Today, an enemy became great trouble. I had given him an "out," but he refused to leave. Ungrateful little ball of nothing.

I performed the following to bind him and two colleagues, but also to irreversibly curse them. As I squeezed the packets, one bled soft black wax through a small hole, and I felt the life force draining out.


Black candle

Paper with likeness of the target (picture, signature, etc.)

Blood (given freely--there is no such thing as an unwilling sacrifice, and I used my own)




Foot charms

(substitute for chicken feet)

Pepper (dried--hottest you have on hand)

For privacy of the innocent persons involved in the underlying legal matter, the unfinished packets below are made up as examples. The finished packets are the real thing, and the agony oozing from them is real.

Of course, as an initial step, call a circle and charge tools as you choose. I moved this working away from my normal altar and closer to where the underlying business took place.

First, I lit the black candle and set my intention--to utterly bind and destroy the targets.

Lit black candle. The purple appearance is from . . . me. The candle was black. 

Next, I used a piece of paper with the likeness of each target. I did each step three times, finishing one packet before starting the next.

Sample of paper representing person--a signature or picture is preferred to just writing their name.

I dripped black wax from the candle over each likeness (visage, signature, etc.) to obliterate it. One could also use ink, and I felt a momentary pull toward a fat Sharpie before settling on the wax. I preferred the wax because my intent was literally to send these three demons back to hell.

Obliterating, burning, and sealing with wax.

I placed the "feet," binding them over the likeness and setting them with more wax.

I folded the packet away from me three times, rotated it widdershins, and then folded three more times away from me.

I placed pins through the packet, aimed at the visage.

Signed, sealed, delivered . . . sucks to be you. 

I drew a small hexagram with my blood on the outside of the packet. I sealed the outside with more wax.

Packet sealing with wax over pins.

Finally, I wrapped the packet with string, binding the target. Although normally not someone who utters a verbal curse, I did so as I tied 13 knots. A sample Spell of the Cord may be found here; my words were highly specific to the working and not designed to make anyone feel good.

Completed packets.

On the way to dispose of the packets, I sprinkled them with hot pepper flakes to lend speed to the working.

I disposed of these packets in a swamp; this is an irreversible spell. I cast these demons irrevocably into hells of their own making.

Completion of Solar Eclipse - Let There Be Light Spell

I completed the solar eclipse spell, Let There Be Light.

Here are some pictures.

First, the completed dolly: I soaked bottom of the corncob overnight in a ghost pepper tincture. That also helped with the rancidity mentioned in my last post. Despite being appropriate to this dolly and the person it represents, the mold and yuck made it hard to handle (like the real person's actions!), and the ghost pepper really helped with the smell. I coated it with herbs representing discomfort, banishing, and a need for change at the bottom. The top was coated (after some intention work) with salt, lavender, coriander, sugar, and the like to represent sweetness coming to the person if the truth is told.

Intentions were stuffed inside and the persons name was stuffed inside and carved on the dolly. Intentions are also written on the paper shown wrapped.

I used a white Santa Muerte candle and adorned the altar with a quick pentacle from a halved apple.

Let there be light spell underway.

I then took a break in working while waiting for the darkest part of the eclipse and drank sweet tea and ate baklava with intention. The sweet items represent the sweetness that is available and plentiful when justice is done--this is not a revenge spell, and its release is built into it. Once truth is told, sweetness and ease can return to the target.

Tea with Hecate and Santa Muerte -- focusing intention on a sweet outcome!

Finally, I took the items outside at the height of darkness. I sat near the grave of a very protective spirit and spoke the intention. The items would not burn--the air was heavy and humid. Even wrapping them in dried leaves (from around the powerful grave), the dolly, itself very damp, would not light. I will instead dispose of this working by putting all of these biodegradable items in a swamp area.

Completion of Clarity Spell

A few weeks ago, I posted a clarity spell.

Original Clarity Spell Here

The purpose of the spell was to get clear on intentions and desired outcomes for hexing, cursing, binding, unleashing flying monkeys, or even blessing. I experienced a career setback--a needlessly abrasive, embarrassing, and public court order--and needed to decide my response.

A few weeks later (with the spell, originally intended to be completed in about seven days, delayed by illness and travel), I feel more clear. When the order came out, I calmly felt a door shutting and knew my career path would change. Rather than my typical raging anger, I felt more like someone who had taken abusive behavior for the last time--like my safety plan was in place and my bag packed, and I just needed to go.

As I burned the candles, supplemented with lavender blooms and incense, I felt stronger and firmer in my resolve.

Clarity spell. 

Now, it is time for me to wrap up the spell, release it, and feel gratitude for the change it brought. The burned candles made lovely pools of lavender wax, and many color variations co-mingled. Throughout the spell, I decided I wanted four candles burning at all times--four for the four corners and at least four directions I could go. My original votives were replaced several times with votives I already had and with chime candles. The High John the Conqueror candle (with its label with space for my intentions folded and now ensconced in the wax) and the Flying Monkey candle (whose whimsical label I will probably keep) burned longer and slower, effectively making 7-day candles.

Partial list of materials:

l I

I will cleanse my space and open a circle, then fold my materials together, probably replacing the foil with something more biodegradable. I will then plant this spell, since it is positive and for me, near my front stoop.

Completed clarity spell materials.

(Please note that some of the products above may contain links that pay me a percentage for actual purchases.)