Making Your Ancestor Altar

Showing posts with label basil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basil. Show all posts

Full Moon Money Drawing Container Ritual

I am not much of one for prosperity spells, and I am bad (really, really bad) at following moon phases. However, I recently had a request for a full moon prosperity ritual and decided to put some of my tricks and works into writing.

For prosperity is work with herbs. The other day, I was feeling un-prosperous. I had a money worry because I hadn't been able to work toward a particular financial goal in some time. Nothing was wrong. My bills were being met. However, slow-paying clients and other conditions meant I had not worked toward retiring some debt that concerns me. As I got dressed (in the clothing sense and in the sense of appying oil for the day), I dabbed a little peppermint oil into my hands. I let a couple of drops gather in the lowest dip of each slightly cupped hand, enjoying the warmth and smell and thinking of the sensation of money coming into my hands.

afterglow, art, backlit

Sometimes, things are a little more pressing and formal work is in order. The full moon is a good time to work on things we want to draw toward us and increase, so money is a good area of work.

I like to work with containers. One of my favorites is to put a bill or financial goal (a utility bill or a written out statement such as, "Receiving $5,000") and seed it with money.

To do such a seeding spell:

1) Green candles

2) Money (paper and coins)

3) Peppermint (basil also works) 

4) A can or jar (simple, reused can or elaborate sentimental box--heck, make a macaroni art project for added mojo)

5) A hot pepper or some yew to accelerate the spell

6) The bill you are worried about or a positive intention for your prosperity written out--green paper or ink or colors that represent prosperity to you are great

First, I clean my work area or even finish up some lingering tasks. My blocks of in-flow are almost always associated with blocking out-flow on my end. I may be fretting about getting paid, but my work area may be in disarray, a project left mostly done (I simply haven't hit "send" to finish it), or I may not even have sent out my invoices and asked for money! Clearing up these items is a big help. 

Getting comfy, inside or outside, I meditate. I work near the area where I remember my ancestors. I am not one for calling in the corners, but I like to spray a little sage-scented oil around my area and connect with spirits/ancestors.

Light five green candles, one in each directions and one in the middle. Connecting with spirit, be thankful for what you have. In bad times, this might be as simple as recognizing your pinky toe does a great job of helping you balance. Do your best to recognize what you have because you are asking the spirits to add to this.

Take a few minutes to hold your bill and money near your heart or to write out your intention. Place your bill or written-out intention in your container. With your bill, do any folding away from you. If you have written out a positive intention ("I have $5000 extra"), roll or fold that toward you if needed for it to fit. Do not place a bill near/over the flames unless you have decided you just want to symbolically burn it up! For a positive written intention, hold it just over the flame to warm it and activate it as you feel the power rising in it. Place your bill/intention in the container. Place your money in the container. First roll or fold any bill toward you (as needed to fit). Include a few coins. 

Hold your basil or peppermint. Feel the power rising up in it, and acknowledge the prosperity it represents. Place most of it in your container, holding a bit out to carry with you. Add any accelerating herbs (hot pepper or yew), knowing you are drawing in magick that works quickly and efficiently. Pick your container up. Shake it or strike it a few times, thanking spirit and your ancestors for paying the bill, drawing the money in, etc. Let your candles burn down or respectfully extinguish them after letting them burn as long as you safely can.

Throughout the week (or as long as it takes), work your container by shaking it, thanking spirit/ancestors, etc. Carry some herbs with you as you go about your day. Annoint yourself with peppermint oil each day. Bury your spent herbs and workings near your door. Consider throwing a little bit of your herbs and some change into the crossroads for added power. If feasible, consider cleansing your container to make it suitable for future work. Consider planting a plant like basil or peppermint during this time if possible. Enjoy and share the results!

Here's a chant/prayer if you like that sort of thing:

"I am part of and made from a universe of infinite stardust
"This universe is abundant
"Therefore, I am abundant
"I am thankful that I am abundant and money flows toward me
"I release this prayer, knowing _________________ ($5000 is mine, the bill is paid, etc.)"