Making Your Ancestor Altar

Showing posts with label clarity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clarity. Show all posts

Full Moon Money Drawing Container Ritual

I am not much of one for prosperity spells, and I am bad (really, really bad) at following moon phases. However, I recently had a request for a full moon prosperity ritual and decided to put some of my tricks and works into writing.

For prosperity is work with herbs. The other day, I was feeling un-prosperous. I had a money worry because I hadn't been able to work toward a particular financial goal in some time. Nothing was wrong. My bills were being met. However, slow-paying clients and other conditions meant I had not worked toward retiring some debt that concerns me. As I got dressed (in the clothing sense and in the sense of appying oil for the day), I dabbed a little peppermint oil into my hands. I let a couple of drops gather in the lowest dip of each slightly cupped hand, enjoying the warmth and smell and thinking of the sensation of money coming into my hands.

afterglow, art, backlit

Sometimes, things are a little more pressing and formal work is in order. The full moon is a good time to work on things we want to draw toward us and increase, so money is a good area of work.

I like to work with containers. One of my favorites is to put a bill or financial goal (a utility bill or a written out statement such as, "Receiving $5,000") and seed it with money.

To do such a seeding spell:

1) Green candles

2) Money (paper and coins)

3) Peppermint (basil also works) 

4) A can or jar (simple, reused can or elaborate sentimental box--heck, make a macaroni art project for added mojo)

5) A hot pepper or some yew to accelerate the spell

6) The bill you are worried about or a positive intention for your prosperity written out--green paper or ink or colors that represent prosperity to you are great

First, I clean my work area or even finish up some lingering tasks. My blocks of in-flow are almost always associated with blocking out-flow on my end. I may be fretting about getting paid, but my work area may be in disarray, a project left mostly done (I simply haven't hit "send" to finish it), or I may not even have sent out my invoices and asked for money! Clearing up these items is a big help. 

Getting comfy, inside or outside, I meditate. I work near the area where I remember my ancestors. I am not one for calling in the corners, but I like to spray a little sage-scented oil around my area and connect with spirits/ancestors.

Light five green candles, one in each directions and one in the middle. Connecting with spirit, be thankful for what you have. In bad times, this might be as simple as recognizing your pinky toe does a great job of helping you balance. Do your best to recognize what you have because you are asking the spirits to add to this.

Take a few minutes to hold your bill and money near your heart or to write out your intention. Place your bill or written-out intention in your container. With your bill, do any folding away from you. If you have written out a positive intention ("I have $5000 extra"), roll or fold that toward you if needed for it to fit. Do not place a bill near/over the flames unless you have decided you just want to symbolically burn it up! For a positive written intention, hold it just over the flame to warm it and activate it as you feel the power rising in it. Place your bill/intention in the container. Place your money in the container. First roll or fold any bill toward you (as needed to fit). Include a few coins. 

Hold your basil or peppermint. Feel the power rising up in it, and acknowledge the prosperity it represents. Place most of it in your container, holding a bit out to carry with you. Add any accelerating herbs (hot pepper or yew), knowing you are drawing in magick that works quickly and efficiently. Pick your container up. Shake it or strike it a few times, thanking spirit and your ancestors for paying the bill, drawing the money in, etc. Let your candles burn down or respectfully extinguish them after letting them burn as long as you safely can.

Throughout the week (or as long as it takes), work your container by shaking it, thanking spirit/ancestors, etc. Carry some herbs with you as you go about your day. Annoint yourself with peppermint oil each day. Bury your spent herbs and workings near your door. Consider throwing a little bit of your herbs and some change into the crossroads for added power. If feasible, consider cleansing your container to make it suitable for future work. Consider planting a plant like basil or peppermint during this time if possible. Enjoy and share the results!

Here's a chant/prayer if you like that sort of thing:

"I am part of and made from a universe of infinite stardust
"This universe is abundant
"Therefore, I am abundant
"I am thankful that I am abundant and money flows toward me
"I release this prayer, knowing _________________ ($5000 is mine, the bill is paid, etc.)"

Second (In)Sight: Soul Shine Psychic Service by Denise

Several months ago, I had a reading by Denise. I learned agreat deal from that reading and enjoyed Denise’s company. 

However, a new reading brought a new level of insight: a couple’s reading. My husband and I joined Denise on a beautiful summer morning. After making us comfortable, she read us—finding areas of compatibility and areas where we need work.

One of the best aspects of this work was each getting individual insight, and then seeing how this affected our relationship. It was my husband’s first reading, so very eye-opening for him.
We were able to discern areas that need work, as well as finding answers to why we are so compatible in some areas, even where our personalities seem to have potential friction.

As a couple, we are a little unusual. We have been together for 28 years, though separated two times over the years. The reading helped reveal some of the areas of friction that have led to these past incidents of pulling away, but also showed the strengths that always pull us back together.

A common area of concern for those contemplating this kind of reading is probably newer, contemplated relationships. Certainly, entering a new relationship is an exciting time that can lead one to introspection and seeking feedback. However, those of us in older relationships should not eschew the opportunity to learn and grow SoulShine offers.

I strongly recommend this service. No compensation was received for this review.

Review: Triskelion Botanicals (and some thoughts on dream states)

A couple of years ago, I had a client begin behaving in an erratic way. He was interfering with a settlement offer that seemed wildly in favor of a large group of people--including him. I was stymied: how could someone act so adverse to his own interests?

One afternoon, sleep came over me. In a dream or dream-like state, I saw the troublesome client collecting money in a way I had not known about before. Realizing the litigation resulted in an unexpected side hustle for him, I understood why he was resisting the settlement.

I went forward in my case with a better understanding of the interests involved. Called on his motives, my client did not deny what was happening. I was better able to assist everyone in the complex situation.

Although I did not take any elixirs to bring on the dream state above, I inadvertently bit into an herb bundle I was carrying (using my mouth as an extra hand) the previous night. Perhaps the juices I released (enough to make my mouth numb) brought on the revelation.

I am not including the ingredients of my accidental "dream elixir" here--it was random and not collected for that purpose. A few of the items are reputed to be poisonous. It is far better to concoct or buy something with a specific purpose in mind in terms of physical health and intention. I am also not declaring what happened to be a dream, remote viewing, or or astral projection--I am just glad to have experienced the phenomenon as I did.

Since that experience, I have sought it again with no success. Likely, I need to need to have the experience before it is granted again.

Although I haven't taken a second flight, a pleasant stop along the way of trial and error has been Dreamwork by Triskelion Botanicals. Triskelion is a great little herbal shop with a lot of heart--the proprietor is a friend of mine and truly cultivates magick and healing as she grows, gathers, dries, mixes, and brews in her corner of the world. Many of her herbs are wild-gathered, and all are free of chemical treatment. They are made with intention in a home setting filled with love and good vibes.

I reserved my two samples of Dreamwork for nights when my agenda was not crowded, and when I did not feel pressure about the next day. I didn't want to arrive in court "hung over" from a night flight, and I didn't want to push away experiences in favor of a good night's sleep. I also eschewed the elixir on nights when I was drinking or needed to take medication--Dreamwork shouldn't bear the blame for drunken escapades!

My first adventure began well before bedtime. I had a relaxed evening of productive journaling and introspection. Dreamwork helped me reach a state of relaxation while still being able to create and solve problems. The second adventure resulted in a very sound night's sleep, and it was much needed at the time. I did not remember a single dream. However, the next night, without more elixir, I had vivid dreams that I remembered and recorded. Both the journaling and the second-night dreams were helpful in resolving challenges I faced at the time. I credit Dreamwork with the sound night's sleep that set me up to enjoy a night of continued effects with the clear, memorable dreams.

I recommend Dreamwork. First, it is a safe alternative compared to biting into an herb bundle prepared for another purpose. Secondly, the "worst" outcome seems to be a sound night's sleep--something we all sorely need. Most importantly, it leads to restorative imagining, sound sleep, and helpful dreaming. I am going to continue experimenting with Dreamwork, varying when I take it.

Night flights, remote viewing, or just rest and clarity--all can benefit us as we go about creating, crafting, hexing, and blessing.

Review: Soul Shine by Denise

I am not usually big on psychic readings, but when my friend Denise offered me a reading, I took her up on it. Denise can be reached on Facebook at Soul Shine Psychic Services by Denise, and she is linked to the Briefs and Brooms page.

Soul Shine psychic services by Denise

We did the reading at Denise's home. In the interest of full disclosure, Denise knows me well enough to feel okay having me to her home; but we are not so intimate that she could easily "cheat" on my reading.

Denise first read my aura, which showed up as light green. Denise associated this with earthiness and water. I truly love rivers. Interestingly, Denise spoke of waterfalls, lakes, and rivers--but not the "go-to" for most people, oceans. In fact, I don't care for oceans compared to lakes. I particularly enjoy time by rivers, and one of my favorite memories is taking my dog to a waterfall in a state park. I would have picked purple or orange for my aura, but light green made sense in terms of who I am.

Denise saw some spirits around me--an older man and two young girls. The older man, my grandfather, was no surprise at all. It took some thinking for me to realize the two young girls are likely my great aunt who died very young, and her sister. While I would not have thought of the sister, who lived to a ripe old age and with whom I got to spend a lot of time, as a child, I think it makes sense for her to manifest in this way after death. I am glad to have these souls near me.

Denise saw some angels, but not ones that are coming to the fore--I'm not in a particularly precarious situation now. Angels are around, but not getting a much-deserved break from active, minute-by-minute intervention.

Finally, there was a malevolent entity nearby. It would actually be more surprising--given the day-to-day encounters with boogey men I have in the legal system--if I did not have such an entity. I will be working up a plan to ask the entity to move along, and Denise does offer banishings.

This was a terrific experience, and offered a lot of insight as well as some quality time with a warm, friendly person. I highly recommend Soul Shine by Denise.

Witch Balls: Holders of intention

Briefs and Brooms usually focuses on justice, and often that means looking at the ugliness that shows us there is a need for justice. It is easy for me to forget that magik can be . . . magical!

Witch balls allow focusing energy and intention. The round globe is continuous and a perfect container for long-term vision. Hanging in a window, the ball shows off beautiful selections of herbs or other materials and emits beautiful scents as the sun's warmth come through . . . a reminder of intentions set yesterday or months ago!

My first three witch balls were made on a whim. I had three globes from a chandelier. A little research refreshed my memory on the use of witch balls. One ended up packed down with herbs for protection, one with general prosperity herbs, and one with fun reminders of a friend who moved away (herbs associated with her ancestral path). They hang in my window today, and are a focal point--spurring discussion about my craft.

Later, I made a witch ball as part of a course. This ball incorporated a piece of money (prosperity), a charm, a written intention, and herbs. The ball was smaller and more portable, of the "Christmas" variety. Today, its lavender scent encourages me as I write and plan.

This weekend, I introduced witch balls to a new crowd--planning to take this modality on the road to a party, I realized it would be attended by children. I packed down a supply of beads, sparkles, and fun supplies for kids. The results were amazing as the kids dug in, eager to exhibit their creativity. I told them to pack the balls with things that made them feel happy--and they did!

One packed her ball to the brim--it was so heavy, I had to design a reinforced holder rather than relying on string:

Larger charms that didn't fit inside the balls were tied to the outside!

True to my heart, several chose purples for their balls--here, two bffs made nearly-matching balls:

Stickers can further embellish the exterior of the balls!

The flurry of hands as the kids worked was amazing; they thought of new ideas and reached for new colors and shapes more quickly than I could replenish supplies!:

Beads, glitter (the big kind, so the parents wouldn't kill me), ribbon, stickers . . . .

Making a witch ball is easy and can be fun and profound. 

On my own, I begin with gathering some of my favorite materials and setting an intention. I then add materials charged with my intention and, if possible, associated with the qualities I seek. Some of my favorite herbs are listed here.

Fun add-ins include essential oils like bergamot for attraction or lavender for cooling out. These can add to the scent and intention of the herbs. Written intentions (in corresponding colored ink or on corresponding papers) can add to focus. I even have one ball that includes a folded piece of money--for prosperity! 

Although making the ball can be meaningful when done alone, it is fun is groups (as the above pictures prove). If you would like to "Witch and Wine"--making witch balls or other crafty tools in a group, contact me via personal message.

For those who are more solitary, here's a partial list of supplies to get you started (wine not included!):

Balls or shapes (try fun shapes or designs!):

Don't forget fun fillers and add-ins!:

Nice scents enhance the balls (be sure to leave the top unsealed or otherwise provide ventilation):
Don't forget pretty ribbon or string to hang the ball!:

If the Creek Don't Rise (Book Review)


If the Creek Don't Rise isn't a "witchy" book, unless you consider the high level of faith it takes to keep going with absolutely nothing. The title sentiment was also expressed by my Grandma as, "If I live . . . ". (Perhaps hearing, "If I live, we'll . . . " as the condition under which we would do things as mundane as making cornmeal mush made me prone to reach for a protection amulet and some lavender salt!)

However, magik is more expressly present in the book in the voice of Birdie Rocas, the neighbor (and protector) of the protagonist, Sadie Blue. Sadie Blue is in an abusive marriage, and, as such, needs a bit of help with details like delivering the baby her husband killed in utero or whipping up some hemlock root poison for . . . those who need it. Birdie Rocas tells us that her last name means crow, and that some folks call her a witch--a good thing for hunting ginseng (apparently because her appearance scares those who would steal her valuable harvest). When Birdie scrys for a dead body and the killer turns up dead himself, one begins to suspect she uses her magik for more than hunting ginseng.

Magik is sprinkled throughout the book as charms, amulets, potions, and folk wisdom. However, Birdie does share her scrying method:

--Fetch shallow bowl the color of blood

--Put on tree stump

--Pour spring water one finger width deep

--Kiss and put on personal amulet (Birdie's is a horn-shaped amulet)

--Make repeated "X" with thumb on forehead until coated with oil from skin

--Rub oil on item belonging to person you seek (handy to have crows to retrieve these for you!)

--Drop item into water

--Watch for answer to form

Although Birdie seems to get her answers, she leaves us with some lingering questions and an observation:

"Why are young girls dumb and men surprised?

"What does evil look like to crows from up in the sky?

"They're brave to play hide-and-seek with the dead."

While by no means a craft "how-to" book, this novel includes a few pages worthy of any book of shadows. It is a respectful window into the misunderstood and sometimes-popular world of granny magik or hoodoo, and deserves to be read.

The dialect in the book is southern Appalachian. It will sound "off" to readers from Kentucky or West Virginia. It does not seem to be intended disrespectfully.

Those of us not apt to find a hag stone shaped like a horn might appreciate a commercially-produced amulet like Birdie's:

(Note: links are designed to make me richer than a moonshiner with a revenuer cousin!)

Completion of Clarity Spell

A few weeks ago, I posted a clarity spell.

Original Clarity Spell Here

The purpose of the spell was to get clear on intentions and desired outcomes for hexing, cursing, binding, unleashing flying monkeys, or even blessing. I experienced a career setback--a needlessly abrasive, embarrassing, and public court order--and needed to decide my response.

A few weeks later (with the spell, originally intended to be completed in about seven days, delayed by illness and travel), I feel more clear. When the order came out, I calmly felt a door shutting and knew my career path would change. Rather than my typical raging anger, I felt more like someone who had taken abusive behavior for the last time--like my safety plan was in place and my bag packed, and I just needed to go.

As I burned the candles, supplemented with lavender blooms and incense, I felt stronger and firmer in my resolve.

Clarity spell. 

Now, it is time for me to wrap up the spell, release it, and feel gratitude for the change it brought. The burned candles made lovely pools of lavender wax, and many color variations co-mingled. Throughout the spell, I decided I wanted four candles burning at all times--four for the four corners and at least four directions I could go. My original votives were replaced several times with votives I already had and with chime candles. The High John the Conqueror candle (with its label with space for my intentions folded and now ensconced in the wax) and the Flying Monkey candle (whose whimsical label I will probably keep) burned longer and slower, effectively making 7-day candles.

Partial list of materials:

l I

I will cleanse my space and open a circle, then fold my materials together, probably replacing the foil with something more biodegradable. I will then plant this spell, since it is positive and for me, near my front stoop.

Completed clarity spell materials.

(Please note that some of the products above may contain links that pay me a percentage for actual purchases.)