Making Your Ancestor Altar

Showing posts with label ritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ritual. Show all posts

Review: Triskelion Botanicals (and some thoughts on dream states)

A couple of years ago, I had a client begin behaving in an erratic way. He was interfering with a settlement offer that seemed wildly in favor of a large group of people--including him. I was stymied: how could someone act so adverse to his own interests?

One afternoon, sleep came over me. In a dream or dream-like state, I saw the troublesome client collecting money in a way I had not known about before. Realizing the litigation resulted in an unexpected side hustle for him, I understood why he was resisting the settlement.

I went forward in my case with a better understanding of the interests involved. Called on his motives, my client did not deny what was happening. I was better able to assist everyone in the complex situation.

Although I did not take any elixirs to bring on the dream state above, I inadvertently bit into an herb bundle I was carrying (using my mouth as an extra hand) the previous night. Perhaps the juices I released (enough to make my mouth numb) brought on the revelation.

I am not including the ingredients of my accidental "dream elixir" here--it was random and not collected for that purpose. A few of the items are reputed to be poisonous. It is far better to concoct or buy something with a specific purpose in mind in terms of physical health and intention. I am also not declaring what happened to be a dream, remote viewing, or or astral projection--I am just glad to have experienced the phenomenon as I did.

Since that experience, I have sought it again with no success. Likely, I need to need to have the experience before it is granted again.

Although I haven't taken a second flight, a pleasant stop along the way of trial and error has been Dreamwork by Triskelion Botanicals. Triskelion is a great little herbal shop with a lot of heart--the proprietor is a friend of mine and truly cultivates magick and healing as she grows, gathers, dries, mixes, and brews in her corner of the world. Many of her herbs are wild-gathered, and all are free of chemical treatment. They are made with intention in a home setting filled with love and good vibes.

I reserved my two samples of Dreamwork for nights when my agenda was not crowded, and when I did not feel pressure about the next day. I didn't want to arrive in court "hung over" from a night flight, and I didn't want to push away experiences in favor of a good night's sleep. I also eschewed the elixir on nights when I was drinking or needed to take medication--Dreamwork shouldn't bear the blame for drunken escapades!

My first adventure began well before bedtime. I had a relaxed evening of productive journaling and introspection. Dreamwork helped me reach a state of relaxation while still being able to create and solve problems. The second adventure resulted in a very sound night's sleep, and it was much needed at the time. I did not remember a single dream. However, the next night, without more elixir, I had vivid dreams that I remembered and recorded. Both the journaling and the second-night dreams were helpful in resolving challenges I faced at the time. I credit Dreamwork with the sound night's sleep that set me up to enjoy a night of continued effects with the clear, memorable dreams.

I recommend Dreamwork. First, it is a safe alternative compared to biting into an herb bundle prepared for another purpose. Secondly, the "worst" outcome seems to be a sound night's sleep--something we all sorely need. Most importantly, it leads to restorative imagining, sound sleep, and helpful dreaming. I am going to continue experimenting with Dreamwork, varying when I take it.

Night flights, remote viewing, or just rest and clarity--all can benefit us as we go about creating, crafting, hexing, and blessing.

Calling Spirits Back In

I messed up.

I have a few good reasons. First, when it comes to magik, I'm largely self-taught. My Grandpa could heal and put life back in things--and there's nothing that is going to set someone up for trying to learn like seeing a beloved kitten brought back to life after an accident. But, we didn't discuss things openly--Grandpa walked strict lines between his church (back before Christianity got to be associated with hate and beating up gay people after service) and taking care of the people and animals that were brought to him. I learned what I could until my Grandpa died when I was 15, and then I returned as I could as I felt his call over the years. Next, I did not initially focus on conjuring or working with spirits. A lot of what I have done is spell work of the set-an-intention variety. Finally, I move instinctively--not always planning spells and rituals as carefully as I should and will try to do in the future. Although I joked, "I didn't know to do it because Piper didn't do that," referring, tongue in cheek, to Charmed, a lot of my work is a combination of what I feel called to do and cultural impressions that I absorbed from any number of sources.

When I began actively practicing a few years ago, I was on my own (in this realm) other than all the good reading materials out there. I cast my first spell, had great success, and carried on. I replicated what works, and had some great, otherwise inexplicable successes--court cases would just turn around. I would go from being told I could be a good little girl and keep my license and avoid sanctions if I dismissed the case to entertaining offers of settlement that climbed upward.

Within my success, however, was a maelstrom of confusion. Some cases dear to me fell apart inexplicably. Wins came with strings attached--winning one aspect of the case, but being chastised in another.

While in a class this past week, I heard a reference to calling spirits back in after sending them out. I listened carefully, being sure I understood what I just heard.

I had not called any spirits back in after a single spell. My approach was: "Hey, you all just go work on X. Thanks! Stay sweet!"


I learned that spirits sent out will stick around, creating chaos and confusion. Chaos and confusion--my life for the past couple of years--the chaos made all the more confusing against the successes.

I went for a reading and cleansing. Right after, the chaos erupted big time--the body of the snake twitching after the head was cut off--in one matter. However, I finished up the classes and returned safely home, made another trip, got rested up, and woke this morning--after a week out of my office--to NO combative email messages or other bad news.

While I post samples of what has worked for me here, this blog is (fortunately) not an instruction manual, and I do not do work on a paid basis for others. Many spells would not be affected; I do not activate spirits for every spell.

However, conjuring is effective. I sent out some spirits (with great success) before learning much about it. I missed the important wrap-up: calling them back in when work is complete. In fact, instructions have to be very precise.

I will be posting more on conjuring, honoring ancestors, and experiencing the support of spirit in daily life and the legal world. However, before jumping in and calling in confusion, I suggest reading and consulting with experts--several links follow (some are affiliate links designed to make me rich).

Heading Off: Fok Magic Festival

I am heading off this weekend to New Orleans for the Folk Magic Festival.

Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

I am not one to easily jump on my broom and fly away. I do not like spending money in advance and placing control of my experience in the the hands of hotels. I do not like paying for airline tickets that seem to carry only one guarantee: delays and substandard treatment. In fact, this time I am setting off on a 13-hour drive--any delays will be my own.

Planning this trip has brought one thing to the fore: from the time I made my reservation, I had to fight to keep the time open on my calendar. A judge set a date, for hearing on a frivolous motion, for that week--I had to work to get it moved. Countless lawyers who had let court dates. filings, and depositions slide for a year or more chose that week to suddenly notice events. I fought, fiercely, each time to save the time I had reserved. Through next week, there are lawyers on "stand-by" to help in case someone notices up some silly motion, thinking my inability to go will result in my client's case being dismissed. I carefully turned down new cases and set limits. Read: I sacrificed money to be sure I did not make a commitment I could not keep.

In contrast, I had another friend go on a three-week trip that overlaps with mine. This week, during his first week, I have gotten countless email messages about his cases. Each time, I have responded with a firm reminder about my own schedule. While my friend has only been messaging me to keep me informed, his style of vacationing is in sharp contrast to mine.

More importantly, the bad behavior exhibited by my opposing counsel has shown me something: law is not a profession for anyone with any self respect. In what world can another party throw a wrench in plans by filing a motion, necessitating an appearance at a court date about which one is not consulted in advance--on pain of one's client losing everything and incurring malpractice liability? In what world can a low-vibration person with no spiritual evolution whatsoever designate (and issue binding subpoenas for) depositions at purposefully inconvenient places and times? The list could go on, but the point is clear: law is replete with behavior that must be tolerated despite rank inappropriateness. It is hard to turn ALL one's opposing counsel into toads.

I am going to use the Festival for reflection and learning, as intended. I hope to come back with a few more tricks for my bag and a greater understanding of a broad range of modalities.

More importantly, I've already learned one thing: while the practice of law can allow one to be a voice for justice, it carries a high price. There simply are not enough people of good faith in the legal profession to make it a realistic was to earn money, serve those in need, and maintain a reasonable lifestyle. The profession is given over to juveniles in over-priced suits who cannot work a calendar and petty tyrants who, with the power to ruin lives, cases, and careers with bad-faith motions and similar litigation tactics, will exercise that power.

This is a calendar. Most lawyers think they are too good to use one!

And I'm done. 

Penis Detachment Spell

There are a lot of positive ways to use penis symbols in magick. That post is coming. This is not that post.

This post is about a wee little man who couldn't keep his mouth shut and lost his most treasured possession, his dick. It is about a man who was warned, kept abusing people, and lost his dick. This is about a man who didn't have much to start with, and now has even less.

For those who believe hexing and cursing should only be done with good cause, rest easy: this spell was worked upon a lawyer who represented a sexual harasser. I regularly represent victims of harassment, and a common theme is to try to intimidate me personally by saying that I can either dismiss the case like a good little girl or "watch porn in front of the judge and jury."

I am not a good little girl.

Image result for penis woodcut

After multiple warnings in this case, the lawyer would not shut up--persistently engaging in harassment of me and my client that went far beyond advocating for his client. He really, really liked what he imagined to be his sexual power. He would raise the issue of watching porn in front of investigators and judges, delighting when they would shirk and seeming puzzled that I was not intimidated.

In one case, he insisted on watching a particular movie in front of an investigator. She resisted. Finally, she told me and my client to just leave. On my way out, he offered me a copy of his cinematic treasure. I replied I could Google it. He feigned surprise that, "Google has porn?!"

"Don't worry," I replied. "If I can't find it on Google, I'll go to Youporn."

I honestly thought his fat, stupid heart was going to explode.

His aggression did not end with porn. He actively stank. His breath and body exuded an odor that could not have been accidental--like a pile of poop rolled around in week-old vomit and then French kissed an infected pilonidal cyst on Hitler's rotting butt. Knowing his odor made me gag, he would intentionally stand near me and close-talk me. '

Finally, I asked a male lawyer to join my litigation team. After all, my job is to look out for my client, and that can mean keep the spotlight away from me. Asked what he should bring to the first hearing in the case, I replied candidly, "Your penis."

The hearing did not disappoint. Opposing counsel wrapped up the day by handing a drive to me in open court. He announced it was porn.

"Free porn!" I exclaimed, turning to my new male co-counsel. "People pay good money for this!" (He turned red.)

Tired of the abuse and worried for my client, I took action. I decided to deprive the offender of his most treasured possession.

This work could have been done on a full moon, to amplify justice. I did it as the moon waned, to emphasize that I wanted to reduce obnoxiousness, unto depriving this person of his penis.
I used a selection of herbs, which I crushed and applied to a penis candle (warm the candle a tiny bit, and roll in the herbs).

A good list of herbs is here: For this working, I relied a lot on my personal blend (discussed in the link above), Solomon's seal, and galangal. The latter two are more because of the justice aspect of my spell. For an intention like this, I found lots of hot pepper and garlic to be important! In addition, I added Devil's Dung (asafoetida). Many would advocate writing down the name and intention, maybe by inscribing it on the candle or writing it on a piece of paper placed under the candle. These are great suggestions. For this spell, I relied on the roiling anger inside me. On the first night, I cast a circle and lit the candle. I am not a chanter, but I focused my intention on the person and on his penis falling off. I let the first knob of my candle burn down. If using a penis candle, you could do the entire spell in one long night or divide it into parts using pins placed in the candle, or use seven small penis candles!

At the end of each night, I blew out my candle with gratitude. After the spell was complete, I wrapped the ashes and leavings in bio-degradable material (I favor using an old scrap of unbleached paper.) and threw in a swamp area. Did it work? I have not heard of counsel's penis falling off, but he has been chastised. And who wouldn't take a check as a substitute castration? This witch is smiling!

Witching Hours and Holy Days!

Even though the cool winds of fall aren't really here yet (with some of us having an unusually warm fall), it is time to plan ahead for next years sabbats! These are two calendars I used (and loved) in 2017! The datebook has kept me on time (and centered) in court and meetings, and the wall version has provided my family with daily magickal reminders!

Hexing Hitler or Tricking Trump?

Mannequin dressed in Hitler uniform at a Hexing Hitler party. (How cool does that sentence look in bright pink?!)

Now and again, there are reports of modern witches getting together to curse Donald Trump. Then, there is a lot of finger-pointing and Wiccan Rede stuff, which is all fine and good when you are conjuring a knitting circle. (No hate on the Wiccans--it is a wonderful path, and I certainly don't think "Voodoo unto other's before they Voodoo unto you" works as every witch's motto.) But the finger-pointing gets a little gaggy--you might as well just crawl up on your cross and join the dominant religion if you are going to be all judgy and a downer all the time.

While cursing Trump may seem a little redundant (another witch has already been there if you go by the skin and the hair), it is not new. During World War II, people had Hexing Hitler parties. One famous one was reported on by time, partly because of the belief the target had to know about the Voodoo for it to work. Time was a print magazine; today we could just Instagram it!

The Time article is here:

The leader of the hexing party covered by Time was a man name Seabrook, who became famous for eating human flesh. (Humanely-harvested, naturally-dead, hospital variety.) The incident took place long before Bob's Burgers was a thing, but I'm sure it caused IRL (not just animated) outrage.

Image result for bob's burgers human flesh
Enraged Wonder Wharf citizens storm Bob's Burgers after the burgers are found to possibly contain human flesh.

But, ultimately, the question of putting a trick on Trump gets to why this blog is here: there are some varieties of evil that do not yield to good intentions, live-and-let-live ethics, and the occasional sprinkling of protective salt. For many, that kind of evil is embodied in Trump, bringing witchcraft into play.

Observing the legal system, I see this kind of evil every day. For many reasons, we have a system that does not yield to justice. People are locked out by the high cost of hiring lawyers or even filing pleadings. Everyday wrongs often do not meet the requirements for various torts, and there is, as of this writing, no tort of general piss-offery. Judges routinely scorn damages claimed by wrongly evicted people, unwilling to allow any damages for the loss of appliances (which may have been used or alley finds) without a receipt (which landlords routinely take in the course of throwing out all of someone's stuff). Lawyers can work to actively obstruct justice, leaving litigants with almost no recourse when straightforward cases are subject to lengthy, and expensive, discovery and motion practice.

For those times, magik is an appealing alternative. It is time-tested, designed to bring about change, and is accessible to even the very poor. One need not even have a home to send some directed intentions. And, Hitler did come to a notoriously bad end.

Whether one chooses to hex Hitler or trick Trump, magik remains democratic--accessible to all.