Making Your Ancestor Altar

Calling Spirits Back In

I messed up.

I have a few good reasons. First, when it comes to magik, I'm largely self-taught. My Grandpa could heal and put life back in things--and there's nothing that is going to set someone up for trying to learn like seeing a beloved kitten brought back to life after an accident. But, we didn't discuss things openly--Grandpa walked strict lines between his church (back before Christianity got to be associated with hate and beating up gay people after service) and taking care of the people and animals that were brought to him. I learned what I could until my Grandpa died when I was 15, and then I returned as I could as I felt his call over the years. Next, I did not initially focus on conjuring or working with spirits. A lot of what I have done is spell work of the set-an-intention variety. Finally, I move instinctively--not always planning spells and rituals as carefully as I should and will try to do in the future. Although I joked, "I didn't know to do it because Piper didn't do that," referring, tongue in cheek, to Charmed, a lot of my work is a combination of what I feel called to do and cultural impressions that I absorbed from any number of sources.

When I began actively practicing a few years ago, I was on my own (in this realm) other than all the good reading materials out there. I cast my first spell, had great success, and carried on. I replicated what works, and had some great, otherwise inexplicable successes--court cases would just turn around. I would go from being told I could be a good little girl and keep my license and avoid sanctions if I dismissed the case to entertaining offers of settlement that climbed upward.

Within my success, however, was a maelstrom of confusion. Some cases dear to me fell apart inexplicably. Wins came with strings attached--winning one aspect of the case, but being chastised in another.

While in a class this past week, I heard a reference to calling spirits back in after sending them out. I listened carefully, being sure I understood what I just heard.

I had not called any spirits back in after a single spell. My approach was: "Hey, you all just go work on X. Thanks! Stay sweet!"


I learned that spirits sent out will stick around, creating chaos and confusion. Chaos and confusion--my life for the past couple of years--the chaos made all the more confusing against the successes.

I went for a reading and cleansing. Right after, the chaos erupted big time--the body of the snake twitching after the head was cut off--in one matter. However, I finished up the classes and returned safely home, made another trip, got rested up, and woke this morning--after a week out of my office--to NO combative email messages or other bad news.

While I post samples of what has worked for me here, this blog is (fortunately) not an instruction manual, and I do not do work on a paid basis for others. Many spells would not be affected; I do not activate spirits for every spell.

However, conjuring is effective. I sent out some spirits (with great success) before learning much about it. I missed the important wrap-up: calling them back in when work is complete. In fact, instructions have to be very precise.

I will be posting more on conjuring, honoring ancestors, and experiencing the support of spirit in daily life and the legal world. However, before jumping in and calling in confusion, I suggest reading and consulting with experts--several links follow (some are affiliate links designed to make me rich).

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