Making Your Ancestor Altar

Showing posts with label black witchcraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black witchcraft. Show all posts

Full Moon Money Drawing Container Ritual

I am not much of one for prosperity spells, and I am bad (really, really bad) at following moon phases. However, I recently had a request for a full moon prosperity ritual and decided to put some of my tricks and works into writing.

For prosperity is work with herbs. The other day, I was feeling un-prosperous. I had a money worry because I hadn't been able to work toward a particular financial goal in some time. Nothing was wrong. My bills were being met. However, slow-paying clients and other conditions meant I had not worked toward retiring some debt that concerns me. As I got dressed (in the clothing sense and in the sense of appying oil for the day), I dabbed a little peppermint oil into my hands. I let a couple of drops gather in the lowest dip of each slightly cupped hand, enjoying the warmth and smell and thinking of the sensation of money coming into my hands.

afterglow, art, backlit

Sometimes, things are a little more pressing and formal work is in order. The full moon is a good time to work on things we want to draw toward us and increase, so money is a good area of work.

I like to work with containers. One of my favorites is to put a bill or financial goal (a utility bill or a written out statement such as, "Receiving $5,000") and seed it with money.

To do such a seeding spell:

1) Green candles

2) Money (paper and coins)

3) Peppermint (basil also works) 

4) A can or jar (simple, reused can or elaborate sentimental box--heck, make a macaroni art project for added mojo)

5) A hot pepper or some yew to accelerate the spell

6) The bill you are worried about or a positive intention for your prosperity written out--green paper or ink or colors that represent prosperity to you are great

First, I clean my work area or even finish up some lingering tasks. My blocks of in-flow are almost always associated with blocking out-flow on my end. I may be fretting about getting paid, but my work area may be in disarray, a project left mostly done (I simply haven't hit "send" to finish it), or I may not even have sent out my invoices and asked for money! Clearing up these items is a big help. 

Getting comfy, inside or outside, I meditate. I work near the area where I remember my ancestors. I am not one for calling in the corners, but I like to spray a little sage-scented oil around my area and connect with spirits/ancestors.

Light five green candles, one in each directions and one in the middle. Connecting with spirit, be thankful for what you have. In bad times, this might be as simple as recognizing your pinky toe does a great job of helping you balance. Do your best to recognize what you have because you are asking the spirits to add to this.

Take a few minutes to hold your bill and money near your heart or to write out your intention. Place your bill or written-out intention in your container. With your bill, do any folding away from you. If you have written out a positive intention ("I have $5000 extra"), roll or fold that toward you if needed for it to fit. Do not place a bill near/over the flames unless you have decided you just want to symbolically burn it up! For a positive written intention, hold it just over the flame to warm it and activate it as you feel the power rising in it. Place your bill/intention in the container. Place your money in the container. First roll or fold any bill toward you (as needed to fit). Include a few coins. 

Hold your basil or peppermint. Feel the power rising up in it, and acknowledge the prosperity it represents. Place most of it in your container, holding a bit out to carry with you. Add any accelerating herbs (hot pepper or yew), knowing you are drawing in magick that works quickly and efficiently. Pick your container up. Shake it or strike it a few times, thanking spirit and your ancestors for paying the bill, drawing the money in, etc. Let your candles burn down or respectfully extinguish them after letting them burn as long as you safely can.

Throughout the week (or as long as it takes), work your container by shaking it, thanking spirit/ancestors, etc. Carry some herbs with you as you go about your day. Annoint yourself with peppermint oil each day. Bury your spent herbs and workings near your door. Consider throwing a little bit of your herbs and some change into the crossroads for added power. If feasible, consider cleansing your container to make it suitable for future work. Consider planting a plant like basil or peppermint during this time if possible. Enjoy and share the results!

Here's a chant/prayer if you like that sort of thing:

"I am part of and made from a universe of infinite stardust
"This universe is abundant
"Therefore, I am abundant
"I am thankful that I am abundant and money flows toward me
"I release this prayer, knowing _________________ ($5000 is mine, the bill is paid, etc.)"

Calling Spirits Back In

I messed up.

I have a few good reasons. First, when it comes to magik, I'm largely self-taught. My Grandpa could heal and put life back in things--and there's nothing that is going to set someone up for trying to learn like seeing a beloved kitten brought back to life after an accident. But, we didn't discuss things openly--Grandpa walked strict lines between his church (back before Christianity got to be associated with hate and beating up gay people after service) and taking care of the people and animals that were brought to him. I learned what I could until my Grandpa died when I was 15, and then I returned as I could as I felt his call over the years. Next, I did not initially focus on conjuring or working with spirits. A lot of what I have done is spell work of the set-an-intention variety. Finally, I move instinctively--not always planning spells and rituals as carefully as I should and will try to do in the future. Although I joked, "I didn't know to do it because Piper didn't do that," referring, tongue in cheek, to Charmed, a lot of my work is a combination of what I feel called to do and cultural impressions that I absorbed from any number of sources.

When I began actively practicing a few years ago, I was on my own (in this realm) other than all the good reading materials out there. I cast my first spell, had great success, and carried on. I replicated what works, and had some great, otherwise inexplicable successes--court cases would just turn around. I would go from being told I could be a good little girl and keep my license and avoid sanctions if I dismissed the case to entertaining offers of settlement that climbed upward.

Within my success, however, was a maelstrom of confusion. Some cases dear to me fell apart inexplicably. Wins came with strings attached--winning one aspect of the case, but being chastised in another.

While in a class this past week, I heard a reference to calling spirits back in after sending them out. I listened carefully, being sure I understood what I just heard.

I had not called any spirits back in after a single spell. My approach was: "Hey, you all just go work on X. Thanks! Stay sweet!"


I learned that spirits sent out will stick around, creating chaos and confusion. Chaos and confusion--my life for the past couple of years--the chaos made all the more confusing against the successes.

I went for a reading and cleansing. Right after, the chaos erupted big time--the body of the snake twitching after the head was cut off--in one matter. However, I finished up the classes and returned safely home, made another trip, got rested up, and woke this morning--after a week out of my office--to NO combative email messages or other bad news.

While I post samples of what has worked for me here, this blog is (fortunately) not an instruction manual, and I do not do work on a paid basis for others. Many spells would not be affected; I do not activate spirits for every spell.

However, conjuring is effective. I sent out some spirits (with great success) before learning much about it. I missed the important wrap-up: calling them back in when work is complete. In fact, instructions have to be very precise.

I will be posting more on conjuring, honoring ancestors, and experiencing the support of spirit in daily life and the legal world. However, before jumping in and calling in confusion, I suggest reading and consulting with experts--several links follow (some are affiliate links designed to make me rich).

Heading Off: Fok Magic Festival

I am heading off this weekend to New Orleans for the Folk Magic Festival.

Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

I am not one to easily jump on my broom and fly away. I do not like spending money in advance and placing control of my experience in the the hands of hotels. I do not like paying for airline tickets that seem to carry only one guarantee: delays and substandard treatment. In fact, this time I am setting off on a 13-hour drive--any delays will be my own.

Planning this trip has brought one thing to the fore: from the time I made my reservation, I had to fight to keep the time open on my calendar. A judge set a date, for hearing on a frivolous motion, for that week--I had to work to get it moved. Countless lawyers who had let court dates. filings, and depositions slide for a year or more chose that week to suddenly notice events. I fought, fiercely, each time to save the time I had reserved. Through next week, there are lawyers on "stand-by" to help in case someone notices up some silly motion, thinking my inability to go will result in my client's case being dismissed. I carefully turned down new cases and set limits. Read: I sacrificed money to be sure I did not make a commitment I could not keep.

In contrast, I had another friend go on a three-week trip that overlaps with mine. This week, during his first week, I have gotten countless email messages about his cases. Each time, I have responded with a firm reminder about my own schedule. While my friend has only been messaging me to keep me informed, his style of vacationing is in sharp contrast to mine.

More importantly, the bad behavior exhibited by my opposing counsel has shown me something: law is not a profession for anyone with any self respect. In what world can another party throw a wrench in plans by filing a motion, necessitating an appearance at a court date about which one is not consulted in advance--on pain of one's client losing everything and incurring malpractice liability? In what world can a low-vibration person with no spiritual evolution whatsoever designate (and issue binding subpoenas for) depositions at purposefully inconvenient places and times? The list could go on, but the point is clear: law is replete with behavior that must be tolerated despite rank inappropriateness. It is hard to turn ALL one's opposing counsel into toads.

I am going to use the Festival for reflection and learning, as intended. I hope to come back with a few more tricks for my bag and a greater understanding of a broad range of modalities.

More importantly, I've already learned one thing: while the practice of law can allow one to be a voice for justice, it carries a high price. There simply are not enough people of good faith in the legal profession to make it a realistic was to earn money, serve those in need, and maintain a reasonable lifestyle. The profession is given over to juveniles in over-priced suits who cannot work a calendar and petty tyrants who, with the power to ruin lives, cases, and careers with bad-faith motions and similar litigation tactics, will exercise that power.

This is a calendar. Most lawyers think they are too good to use one!

And I'm done. 

From Missing Member to Missing: Penis Spell

I recently posted a spell I used to remove someone's penis after he used sexual threat and innuendo on a repeated basis to intimidate my client.

Of all the spells and work that I do, this one tends to get the most attention. It is serious--one wouldn't use this spell because someone stole a parking space or was late for dinner. In fact, in the case where I used it, the spell was not my technique of first resort. I tried negotiating, reasoning, using the legal process, and simpler, positive-outcome and truth-focused spells first.

The spell was effective, and my client made great gains. The sexual harasser's behavior came to light, even in open court. We won the case!

However, more interesting, the harasser has closed up shop. This attorney, who was going to let me keep my license and not get sanctions only if I was a good girl and dropped the case, is going to be no more.

The power of the spells should not be underestimated. As here, words and works can be used to the greater good!

From the sublime to the delicious, there are many ways to incorporate penis magik into your life!

Dark Moon Magick

The dark moon is that time as the old moon has largely waned and the new moon is hardly a sliver.
Since a new moon is beginning, it can be a time to do work for new beginnings--new jobs, new homes, new relationships. However, because of the ending old moon and the relative darkness of the night sky, I like to use the time for clearing out.
This week, I did a simple banishing and hexing spell. I had several lingering enemies, one of which recently--entirely unjustifiably--necessitated my return from a vacation for a hearing that, in the judge's words, wasn't "motion stuff" just "life stuff" that should have been worked out by agreement.
Being a bitch as well as a witch, I already put the wheels in motion for the offending lawyer's young associate, upon whom he depends, to get hired away. By the time the dark moon rolled around, I was ready to seal the deal.
I was ready to seal the deal, but I also was exhausted. This dark moon called for simplicity.
I burned a black Santa Muerte candle, asked for the binding of my enemies, and wrote their names on corresponding paper in colored gel ink (for me, a salmon color that does not appeal to me with nearly-matching ink to represent the way these irritants should fade).
Black candle (I prefer Santa Muerte)

Colored paper (I keep a pad of various colors on hand)
Pen (I like to coordinate the ink and paper color--closely matching to help the target fade away and lose power)

Write the names of the target and what you want to happen on the paper. This can also be an incantation. Mine was as follows: "X fades away like the ink on this paper and his/her actions are for naught. X and his/her intentions are returned to the void from which they came and have no influence on this plane."

It's Coming Out Day!

It's coming out day, and we celebrate our LGBTQ friends and people of all orientations and genders.
In the meantime, is it time to come out of the broom closet with a pretty like this one?

Penis Pendants

BOGO! Buying amulets and other props isn't required, but it can help cement intentions. This penis amulet would be great for sex magic or for the penis removal spell--charge with your intention!

Following links on this page may cause filthy lucre to appear in my pockets.

Here Comes Friday!

Image result for witch drinking brew public domain woodcut


Witching Hours and Holy Days!

Even though the cool winds of fall aren't really here yet (with some of us having an unusually warm fall), it is time to plan ahead for next years sabbats! These are two calendars I used (and loved) in 2017! The datebook has kept me on time (and centered) in court and meetings, and the wall version has provided my family with daily magickal reminders!

Three Gnarled Fingers Pointing Back at You

Witch Hand Carrying Lantern
Royalty-free image from

Of course, not all witches have gnarled fingers. This is a stereotype, and stereotypes are inconsistent with the deep truth-telling that is the work of most witches and other spiritual people. Perhaps as an indicator of this, the most-viewed post on this blog is, by far, about racism in the magick community. It recounts a visit I made to a lecture by a witch I admire, only to have a fellow attendee unload with comments that the surrounding, majority African-American, neighborhoods were "dangerous." She held forth about fear of driving through, much less parking in, such an area. 

While these attitudes, often unconscious, are ugly and deserve examination, most of us work on these issues--on our own or in community. I recently came across an inspiring example of examining and taking responsibility for race-based perceptions. It was the opposite of the ugly attitudes grasped in the previous post

Gary, Indiana is 80 percent African-American. It was devastated by white flight, largely in retaliation for electing the first black mayor (concurrent with Cleveland, Ohio). A good summary is here, although Mayor Hatcher, interviewed in the article, has his own viewpoint. 

Around the Northwest Indiana area, Gary is a proxy for (synonymous with) race. For example, a white politician in neighboring Merrillville once gloated in a public meeting he removed basketball hoops from a local park after seeing "people from Gary" playing basketball at the park. Pressed on how he knew the players were "from Gary," he admitted this assumption was based on their being black. Without fail, the local "press" reports crimes by black suspects with more certainty and venom than those by white suspects, and a notable effort is made to tie crimes back to Gary and to scream "Gary" from the headlines. The two "news"papers were early white-flighters, so perhaps they seek a post hoc justification of their bigotry or seek to offer the same succor for their suburban readership.

Against this backdrop, many of the all-white towns are an intimidating, judgmental backdrop for Gary residents who venture forth for food and goods due to the blight in the city. In one such foray, I reluctantly befriended a gifted spiritual teacher who has 20 years experience in Earth-based study and began taking classes from her. It never hurts to sharpen one's anthame, even when it is usually one's finger. As I settled into relaxed, weekly discussions, there was often an edge of discomfort about my hometown. As with everything, friendships wore the edges down, and people became comfortable sharing their experiences. 

During one particularly frank session, my friend revealed the complexity of her feelings about Gary. She had had a bad experience there as a teen, being shot at while in a speeding car. This is not an unusual story among those in the towns surrounding Gary, many of whom believe Mayor Hatcher installed stop signs purposefully to allow black people to attack white people with bats and rob them when the cars came to a halt. Further complicating matters, my friend currently lives in a small town where the town council, considering whether to merge their sewer system with Gary's, had an open, public debate about whether mixing white people's poop with that of black people would make Jesus cry. (I do not think she has an opinion on Jesus' opinion, but have made a note to inquire.)

However, the discussion with my friend took a turn unheard of in the towns surrounding Gary: rather than pointing fingers at the "people from Gary" involved in the shooting, she looked at her own involvement. Perhaps, we agreed, her likelihood of being involved in a chase and shoot-out was influenced less by geography and more by the fact her boyfriend, with whom she rode in the shoot out, was a Latin King. While, certainly, a gang member or associate no more deserves to be hurt than anyone else, it seems likely that keeping this company would expose one to more bullets than would tamer conquests. 

This discussion is on sharp contrast to the woman who would not turn off her fear-o-meter after having seen a few black people during her commute. Looking inside and breaking down the reason for our fears is a far better answer, even in matters or real or perceived personal safety, than pointing fingers. Christoper Pike is thought to have said that when you point at someone else, there are three fingers pointing back at you. You can give yourself a big thumbs up if you can identify your own Latin King. And, we all have work to do on understanding how our world came to be, and remains, a sometimes divided and wounded place. 

Hexing Hitler or Tricking Trump?

Mannequin dressed in Hitler uniform at a Hexing Hitler party. (How cool does that sentence look in bright pink?!)

Now and again, there are reports of modern witches getting together to curse Donald Trump. Then, there is a lot of finger-pointing and Wiccan Rede stuff, which is all fine and good when you are conjuring a knitting circle. (No hate on the Wiccans--it is a wonderful path, and I certainly don't think "Voodoo unto other's before they Voodoo unto you" works as every witch's motto.) But the finger-pointing gets a little gaggy--you might as well just crawl up on your cross and join the dominant religion if you are going to be all judgy and a downer all the time.

While cursing Trump may seem a little redundant (another witch has already been there if you go by the skin and the hair), it is not new. During World War II, people had Hexing Hitler parties. One famous one was reported on by time, partly because of the belief the target had to know about the Voodoo for it to work. Time was a print magazine; today we could just Instagram it!

The Time article is here:

The leader of the hexing party covered by Time was a man name Seabrook, who became famous for eating human flesh. (Humanely-harvested, naturally-dead, hospital variety.) The incident took place long before Bob's Burgers was a thing, but I'm sure it caused IRL (not just animated) outrage.

Image result for bob's burgers human flesh
Enraged Wonder Wharf citizens storm Bob's Burgers after the burgers are found to possibly contain human flesh.

But, ultimately, the question of putting a trick on Trump gets to why this blog is here: there are some varieties of evil that do not yield to good intentions, live-and-let-live ethics, and the occasional sprinkling of protective salt. For many, that kind of evil is embodied in Trump, bringing witchcraft into play.

Observing the legal system, I see this kind of evil every day. For many reasons, we have a system that does not yield to justice. People are locked out by the high cost of hiring lawyers or even filing pleadings. Everyday wrongs often do not meet the requirements for various torts, and there is, as of this writing, no tort of general piss-offery. Judges routinely scorn damages claimed by wrongly evicted people, unwilling to allow any damages for the loss of appliances (which may have been used or alley finds) without a receipt (which landlords routinely take in the course of throwing out all of someone's stuff). Lawyers can work to actively obstruct justice, leaving litigants with almost no recourse when straightforward cases are subject to lengthy, and expensive, discovery and motion practice.

For those times, magik is an appealing alternative. It is time-tested, designed to bring about change, and is accessible to even the very poor. One need not even have a home to send some directed intentions. And, Hitler did come to a notoriously bad end.

Whether one chooses to hex Hitler or trick Trump, magik remains democratic--accessible to all.

Spelled Success!

Spells are tricky! It can be hard to see the work being done, the desired outcome, and timing as outcomes of magik. Often, the spell is cast and an outcome may take weeks or months to manifest--sometimes by design, sometimes because our timing is not the same as the universe's timing.

This past week though, I got to see a spell come through perfectly . . . on time, unexpected, and as requested. If drive-through windows at fast-food restaurants were as efficient as the universe was this past week, they wouldn't need those spaces for people to pull off and wait for orders! In my case, my fries were hot, fresh, and perfectly golden.

The spell was cast on August 21, the solar eclipse, with the intention of bringing truth to light. The supplies and incantations are set forth here.

In less than two weeks, a person who slandered me, the target of the spell, retired. The joy was complete and immediate, with friends making such dramatic declarationa] as that the person "can't hurt you anymore."

In gratitude, I provided Hekate and the other gods on my altar) with some apple and a lit white candle.

This is, or is very close to, the statue of the goddess on my altar:

I cannot find an image of the apple I use, but an apple cut in half horizontally will reveal a pentagram inside.
I keep a small, hollow wooden apple--something like this one:

Hekate (and other gods and goddesses) are always at work! Magik is one way of communicating with them . . . and they do answer!

Someone was Very, Very Bad

There's no need to mess around when enemies mess around with you. They asked for it, you gave it.

Today, an enemy became great trouble. I had given him an "out," but he refused to leave. Ungrateful little ball of nothing.

I performed the following to bind him and two colleagues, but also to irreversibly curse them. As I squeezed the packets, one bled soft black wax through a small hole, and I felt the life force draining out.


Black candle

Paper with likeness of the target (picture, signature, etc.)

Blood (given freely--there is no such thing as an unwilling sacrifice, and I used my own)




Foot charms

(substitute for chicken feet)

Pepper (dried--hottest you have on hand)

For privacy of the innocent persons involved in the underlying legal matter, the unfinished packets below are made up as examples. The finished packets are the real thing, and the agony oozing from them is real.

Of course, as an initial step, call a circle and charge tools as you choose. I moved this working away from my normal altar and closer to where the underlying business took place.

First, I lit the black candle and set my intention--to utterly bind and destroy the targets.

Lit black candle. The purple appearance is from . . . me. The candle was black. 

Next, I used a piece of paper with the likeness of each target. I did each step three times, finishing one packet before starting the next.

Sample of paper representing person--a signature or picture is preferred to just writing their name.

I dripped black wax from the candle over each likeness (visage, signature, etc.) to obliterate it. One could also use ink, and I felt a momentary pull toward a fat Sharpie before settling on the wax. I preferred the wax because my intent was literally to send these three demons back to hell.

Obliterating, burning, and sealing with wax.

I placed the "feet," binding them over the likeness and setting them with more wax.

I folded the packet away from me three times, rotated it widdershins, and then folded three more times away from me.

I placed pins through the packet, aimed at the visage.

Signed, sealed, delivered . . . sucks to be you. 

I drew a small hexagram with my blood on the outside of the packet. I sealed the outside with more wax.

Packet sealing with wax over pins.

Finally, I wrapped the packet with string, binding the target. Although normally not someone who utters a verbal curse, I did so as I tied 13 knots. A sample Spell of the Cord may be found here; my words were highly specific to the working and not designed to make anyone feel good.

Completed packets.

On the way to dispose of the packets, I sprinkled them with hot pepper flakes to lend speed to the working.

I disposed of these packets in a swamp; this is an irreversible spell. I cast these demons irrevocably into hells of their own making.

Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions by Dorothy Morrison--Book Review

From Dorothy Morrison's website . . . see link below to order the book. 

"It is good for us crones," said the fellow witch. She was recommending I read "Utterly Wicked" by Dorothy Morrison. "As they say, 'Cause no harm, but take no shit," she added.

I leaned in on my cane, clutching the Not My Fucking Problem spray I had just purchased and taking in the title: Crone. Although I am clearly a Queen, a title too often forgotten when it comes to describing women who are not maidens and not mothers, I let it sink in. I decided "Crone" was a compliment, and kept the lightening bolts inside my fingers.

I made my way to a bench and used my phone to order "Utterly Wicked: Curses, hexes & other unsavory notions":

With Amazon Prime (Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial), the order arrived quickly, though I suppose the smart crone, needing to hex in a hurry, would read online (which also reduces the price of the book) using a service like Kindle: Join Amazon Kindle Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial.

Dorothy Morrison describes her audience in the introduction, and, like this blog, it is ". . . for those folks who are sick and tired of swallowing the bullshit served up by other people. It is for those folks who are fighting mad and livid pissed. Yes, it is for those folks who are tired of taking a screwing at every turn, who are ready to wage war, and who have finally mastered the gumption to do something about it."

My only criticism is that some of the spells call for animal parts, and I prefer vegan work. However, one can always look for vegan substitutes, as I did when substituting human feet charms for chicken feet.

Morrison includes spells directed to legal disputes, including an "Opposing Attorney Hex." The hex is not too different from some of my work, but Morrison includes incantations--something I normally do not include as part of my work.

This is an excellent resource for composing work in an area shunned by many witches, cursing and hexing. It is for those of us who have what it takes "to become the things that go bump in the night."

Happy bitchcrafting! May all your unsavory notions come true!

(I may become very rich if you click on the affiliate links in this article.)

Vegan Chicken Foot Correspondence

What's a vegan witch to do when the spell calls for chicken's foot?

Well, I'm cursing a human, not a chicken. So, I went for human feet! The real thing isn't super legal and can really inconvenience the donor, so I went with this:

Watch this space for the actual curse! It's a doozy!

(If you click on the link above, I get a bunch of money.)