Making Your Ancestor Altar

Showing posts with label fortune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fortune. Show all posts

Second (In)Sight: Soul Shine Psychic Service by Denise

Several months ago, I had a reading by Denise. I learned agreat deal from that reading and enjoyed Denise’s company. 

However, a new reading brought a new level of insight: a couple’s reading. My husband and I joined Denise on a beautiful summer morning. After making us comfortable, she read us—finding areas of compatibility and areas where we need work.

One of the best aspects of this work was each getting individual insight, and then seeing how this affected our relationship. It was my husband’s first reading, so very eye-opening for him.
We were able to discern areas that need work, as well as finding answers to why we are so compatible in some areas, even where our personalities seem to have potential friction.

As a couple, we are a little unusual. We have been together for 28 years, though separated two times over the years. The reading helped reveal some of the areas of friction that have led to these past incidents of pulling away, but also showed the strengths that always pull us back together.

A common area of concern for those contemplating this kind of reading is probably newer, contemplated relationships. Certainly, entering a new relationship is an exciting time that can lead one to introspection and seeking feedback. However, those of us in older relationships should not eschew the opportunity to learn and grow SoulShine offers.

I strongly recommend this service. No compensation was received for this review.