Making Your Ancestor Altar

Showing posts with label cheese plate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheese plate. Show all posts

Working with Blackhawk

Justice often comes wrapped in a swift kick. I often win cases only to have a judge include a snide aside about my attitude toward the other side, or I might win and then have trouble collecting. This is not unusual given the illusion of impartiality that is necessary to uphold the legitimacy of the court system.

However, I recently had a run of luck where every case turned around on me. Even in a case where I represented fifty people across three or four different courts on a pro bono basis and won them a large settlement, the case went bad--the clients wrote the judge, the press, and my opponents degrading letters about me. My sins are grievous. For example, I once declined to attend a meeting the clients set unilaterally because the time was the evening of my wedding anniversary--yes, I was expected to drive the three to four hours to their location whenever they blanneyed about it, and no, I wasn't reimbursed for gas, tolls, parking, etc. (I made 30 or more such trips--all at my expense--over the four years of free representation, but what they remember is the ONE meeting I ever declined.) Further, they alleged I harmed them by working "pro bono," which they asserted (after the fact) meant I took 1/3 of their settlement (never mind that no one actually gave me any money, I never asked for any, and I never got any).

While in New Orleans, I discovered a lot of my problems stemmed from sending out spirits and not calling them back in. I blogged about that here. I had a cleansing, and almost all of the negative conditions began clearing. However, one last problem remained: a letter so salacious that it was sealed by the court remained dangling--it was received right after my cleansing. I saw this timing as the snake's body twitching after the head is cut off.

Preparing for the hearing on how "badly" I had treated my pro bono clients, I did all the things one should do. I arranged for court support from lots of activists who know my history and had even helped with the case (as with me, the help was at no charge). I hired a lawyer, and I prepared responses.

However, I also began work with Blackhawk. I visited some of his memorial sites. I read Mama Starr Casas' book on the subject, set up my altar, and ordered supplies.I will post a review of this excellent book later, but here is an excerpt.

Her most recent book is here:

The work I did was a bit more intense that the one set forth above--I used a work set forth in the book that is a bit more directed at people when you have lost all concern about their well-being. It is not a light work to do because of a social slight, and it is not easily reversed. I also made offerings to Blackhawk and to my own ancestors, made protection packets, and even placed a paper with the target's name in my shoe so I could tread on and control him with every step.

Court was a farce. The target was so hateful and untruthful in his statements that his behavior spoke for itself. I don't think I said five words. The judge admonished him she would hold him in contempt if he said my name again, to which he replied, "But [my name] . . .". There really are people that are just too dumb to live. I feel pretty confident this guy will drown in the rain for having his nose up too high without my help or even that of Blackhawk!

Everything worked in my favor, and I think this was the end of the chaos caused when I did not call spirits I sent back in. It is a lesson learned, but I am particularly grateful for the way the work could be used.

I arrived home to find a hatchet I ordered for Blackhawk's altar had arrived. It is blessed and in place with my sincere thanks!

Shut Up and Scratch

When shutting up is not enough . . . some people need a little of that good ole itching and burning sensation.

I did the attached spell to keep an opponent in a litigation situation off my friend. I wanted to bind her mouth, and in fact bound her entire head (ears, eyes, nose, mouth) for a nothing in/nothing out effect. My friend, who asked me do do the spell, wanted itching and burning--specifically, big post-shaving blisters.

Today, the woman was silenced in court. Not only did she not speak, no one was receptive or interested in her point of view. No one seemed to want to explain matters to her or provide her with advice; even her own lawyer seemed appropriately repulsed by her sad-sack client She presented like a zombie (reminding me of a certain mother-in-law who mastered the zombie effect without any majickal assistance).


One corn cob (I broke off a stubby piece that bore a resemblance to the party; for fun, you could decorate it with words representing your intention, the name of the person, or even carve a face or other features--doing this spell, I was not in a whimsical frame of mind and worked in broad, angry strokes)

One long piece of mother-in-law's tongue a/k/a snake plant, viper's bowstring, Sansevieria trifasciata (I was lucky enough to find a "rubbery" piece that was easy to work with)

One witch's ball a/k/a sweetgum ball, Liquidambar styracifua

Hot pepper (powder and whole)

Red raffia

Cheese plate or bell jar

As always, my ingredients lists are not designed to spur a shopping spree. You should substitute freely, setting your intentions.

I gathered my ingredients and first wrapped the mother-in-law's tongue around the top (head) of the cob. I focused my intent on shutting on messages to help with the litigation to and from the object out. She was to be silenced and to experience disorientation and inability to get information. I secured the piece of mother-in-law's tongue with raffia, repeating the intention and further intending the spell hold until this matter is resolved--and that the object never contact my friend again--ever, for anything, unless she is welcomed.

I dipped the bottom of the cob into a stew that (by luck) I had going. The stew was full of garlic and peppers. Of course, I would have simply used a ground power or infusion absent this happy coincidence. The intention was itching, physical discomfort.

I then placed the pepper on the bottom and bound with raffia. I envisioned stinging pain, nettles, needing to leave the litigation area to tend to the discomfort.

After this, I placed the witch's ball over the doll. I felt a sense of fun poking it into the cob (creating the "itching" in my mind), but usually would more gently rest it just to keep this person/spirit off me/my people.

Bitchy, bitchy what you say; itchy, itchy come court day.

I placed the cob under a glass (cheese plate) as is my custom. She will stay there until the crucial stage that is now happening is over. After that, I will offer to put her out to biodegrade or give her to my friend to freeze, deface, or whatever she feels meets her needs.

My cheese plate was dusty from a recent upheaval; I decided I liked the look!

The majick never ends--I did a little more work during the proceedings. I was not the responsible attorney and was just sitting in an anteroom where negotiations prior to court were taking place. I took a packet of pepper from my purse (where I always keep pepper and salt for quick spells), quickly set an intention for it to act as hotfoot powder, and discreetly sprinkled it in the direction where the opponent would walk upon exit. After that, the parties emerged very quickly with word things were in my friend's favor. The bad person continued her zombie-like expression. She left very quickly as soon as the proceedings were over. I think she had an itch to scratch!